cleber's mind

This is an attempt to structure my memory

What is on

This is an ongoing book. Currently, I am using that as my notebook. I am often a hoarder and the best way to prevent productivity loss and avoid burnout is to put everything that is in my mind "on the paper" so I can decide what is garbage to throw them away.

Current Projects

My main focus is on my doctoral project, GoOrg an automated method for generating organisations.

Secondly, I am always improving jacamo-rest and jacamo-web projects.

About this book

Like everyone, I often forget things and often I remember things that I prefer to forget. This repository contains what I would like to keep in memory. In a way it is summarising knowledge which is a good way to memorise things. In this sense, it is an idealisation where I can keep useful information, nice moments and write down the reasoning rules I would like to follow.

It is pretty much inspired in Nikita's knowledge book which was the first I found that is doing something that I was looking for.

I plan to write down much of my knowledge here and later try to provide some easy way to connect things. Some guys are using some mindmap tools, but it seems not very fluent yet.

I also plan so finally develop my personal assistant based on it (more about my plans).

Last updated

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