
I often consult a signpost of linking words and phrases and signpost of correlative conjunctions that helps to make textual links and a signpost of nice words and phrases which is a notebook for nice expressions I have collected. University o Manchester has a phrasebank which is actually much better.

My favourite resources:

  • power thesaurus synonyms dictionary allows searching for expressions, it brings close expressions (potentially synonyms) that can infer the meaning.

  • linguee human translations database which gather lots of translations from English to other languages (including Portuguese, French and German). Some translations are verified which make them safer to base on. A correlated tool, which is good to check how journalists commonly use some expressions is

  • google translator and are powerful tools that I often get meaning of something I did not understand and usually put on it texts I have written to check if it has consistency in another language.

  • as dictionary I usually opt for merriam-webster which is easy and free. I also like wiktionary.

  • I also use grammarly, quillbot, hemingway and language tool, which are useful to check for errors and get helpful tips in the way of improving the text.

Last updated