This is a very useful article showing how to replace jquery code by plain javascript equivalents.
I want to try jslint to improve my JavaScript coding.
Something I have to improve in JS is the way to debug code. Maybe this article can be useful.
A snippet to avoid function call flooding. It is useful in situations in which we have multiple calls of a function but it is important to avoid flooding which may stress the system and give some undesired visual outcomes.
MERN Stack
MongoDB: A document-based (no-sql) open source database
Express: A web application framework for Node.js
React: A JavaScript front-end library
Node.js: A JavaScript runtime environment
Mongoose: A schema-based solution to model application data
Context and scope tricks
A few commands that can run directly on a browser console that shows how JS context and scope can be trick, specially for whom is familiar with other languages like Java and C++.
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