deploying bootcamp
Deploying bootcamp sample application
Deploying kubernetes-bootcamp application
Deploying demo:
$ microk8s.kubectl create deployment kubernetes-bootcamp
Get all pods:
$ microk8s.kubectl get pods
Accessing bootcamp deployment
Set environment variable $POD_NAME to make further commands easier
$ export POD_NAME=$(microk8s.kubectl get pods -o go-template --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')
If it does not work run
$ microk8s.kubectl get pods
copy the name of the pod and set the variable manually$ export POD_NAME=kubernetes-bootcamp-XXXXX
Enabling proxy access to debug pods
$ microk8s.kubectl proxy
Get information from the created pod (from another terminal)
$ curl http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/$POD_NAME/proxy/
Get environment variables
$ microk8s.kubectl exec $POD_NAME -- env
Run terminal of the pod
$ microk8s.kubectl exec -ti $POD_NAME -- bash
Show a file content
# cat server.js
to leave the section
Describe pod
$ microk8s.kubectl describe $POD_NAME
Exposing the deployment
Get current services
$ microk8s.kubectl get services
Expose bootcamp deployment on port 8080
$ microk8s.kubectl expose deployment/kubernetes-bootcamp --type="NodePort" --port 8080
Get current services, now with the exposed pod
$ microk8s.kubectl get services
Describing the created service
$ microk8s.kubectl describe services/kubernetes-bootcamp
Checking if it is working, from the given IP try a curl on IP:8080
Removing the service
$ microk8s.kubectl delete services/kubernetes-bootcamp
Removing the demo application
Removing demo:
$ microk8s.kubectl delete deployment.apps/kubernetes-bootcamp
Last updated
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