deploying jacamo-rest
Deploying cleberjamaral/jacamo-rest-run
, available at docker hub.
which is available in docker hub$ microk8s.kubectl create deployment jacamo-rest --image=cleberjamaral/jacamo-rest-run
Get pod name
$ export POD_NAME=$(microk8s.kubectl get pods -o go-template --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')
Exposing ports
$ microk8s.kubectl expose deployment/jacamo-rest --type="NodePort" --port 3271,3272,3273,8080
Check IP provided for the jacamo-rest created service
$ microk8s.kubectl get services
Performing a simple test
$ curl http://provided_IP:8080/overview
Forwarding connections
option needs socat installed on the host.In theory, is seems a port forward of host to the service/deployment/pod should be a good solution but in the first tests it is not working yet. I have tried
$ microk8s.kubectl port-forward deployment.apps/jacamo-rest 8080:8080
However, what is working is directly through socat
$ socat TCP-LISTEN:8080,fork,reuseaddr TCP:provided_IP:8080
Opening terminal
Open terminal
$ microk8s.kubectl exec -ti $POD_NAME -- bash
Describe pod
$ microk8s.kubectl describe pod/$POD_NAME
Get logs
$ microk8s.kubectl logs pod/$POD_NAME
Last updated
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